Friday, November 7, 2008

Our Generation.

They don’t seek to do the devil danger, they just want to further the reach of the Father. They’re offensive in thought, dynamic in word, action, behavior, deed, being. They “be” because He spoke it. They move because they see Him ahead, moving. They aren’t content with the view friendship might afford them, they must be in the midst of His awful Presence. They cry out for “the friendship AND the fear.” Their parents tried to be friends, now they want training. They want a God who is powerful, frightening, uncontrollable, unadulterated Love. The news once labeled them violent, the doctors diagnose them as the product of video games, thrillers, television’s claws. Our generation. But God calls them danger-cravers, they run into the fire because they see His face there. They stick their feet on the water, because they hear His voice there. They paint the dreams, because they see the truth there.

When words become matter, they shape destiny like playdough.

[This was fun. Last night we had a meeting where Pastor Dennis Peacocke shared about the supernatural realm. God protects this realm, where speech can change matter, because it can wreak havoc when we aren't completely centered in Christ. Yet, God wants us to learn to be centered, then to step out in these gifts. They are gifts He's given out, scattered throughout His people. We need to deal with the things in ourselves which are blocking Him, and we need to begin looking for miracles to happen through one another, our friends, and families...not through the big "superstars." After sharing, and then praying for God to work in us what He wills, and then praying for one another to be released into the power of the Lord, we worshiped. As we worshipped, lines kept coming to me, and finally I realized I had to go write them down. I'd been praying (and had it prayed over me) that I would be able to write with power, that my words would release things in others and touch places common speech can't. This was a quick paragraph that I doodled down at the end of the night. I am especially fond of the last sentence, I can't help but feel a little giddy when I read it.]