Thursday, December 30, 2010

If Friends Were Flowers

I've heard it said, 'If friends were flowers, I'd pick you.'
But that is all nonsense and frill. Friends are not flowers, and thank God for that. No, indeed, you'll be with me much longer than those flowers on the sill.

No, if friends were jewels, I'd set my crown with whatever gem was you.
If friends were colors, all my sweaters would be bought in that hue.
Could they be songs, you already know, but you'd be my favorite tune.
If silverware, I'd have soup every night, assuming you're the spoon.

And if friends were rhymes, I'd write you... I'd be humming you too.


Melee said...

Oh goodness, yes!! What an excellent replacing of a cliche with something much more meaningful. I adore this, I really do.