Sunday, November 7, 2010

Feeding Fire

I know your fire burns hot and deep
Consumes the ones who cry aloud
That it’s all they want to need.
That they’d give there all, and that’s
What I’ve herd the fire feeds,
Or rather what feeds that fire.

Yet there’s a strange desire
Inside, it feels almost like that fire
Craving, cracking, reaching higher
This something pulls me ever nearer
While my devotion tires and retires

I’m close enough to feel it reaching
Reaching at my heart.
I’m close enough to smell its odor,
Smells like flowers on a funeral pier.
Feel its flames lick my face,
Yes, I want to come one more pace.

I feel it needs a gift, something of my own
If I would dare to come this close
I think of what’s in this little pocket I’ve sewn.
And I’m compelled to give the flames
That which I’d never dare not know.

So I empty out what I’ve carried around
I drop treasures in these flames.
And the fire that burns, before my eyes
Suddenly ignites from my soul within.
And I look for what else this fire I can feed.
This fire that feeds the little ember that is me.


Kristin Kelly said...

So that's what happened to all our stuff. The clepto became a pyro and burned it. Well Kim, at least we know where all the "little treasures she collected" went to. We will never see baby Jesus again.

Katrina Hope said...

that just made me laugh out loud... per usual.